Happy New Year: 2013 Resolutions

Good afternoon from Indonesia!

Happy new year for all my reader(s), although I don't have one actually. But if you're reading this, I love you honestly.

Today, I want to post something titled '2013 Resolutions'. These are all the things that I want to achieve, and I hope I can.


  • [The hardest one] I want to be a student in one of the best Universities in Indonesia :) whether it's UI, UGM, Undip, or something like that. That would be cool and amazing ;D
  • I want to be skinnier. It's silly but you won't believe at how fat I actually am. This is embarrassing.
  • I want to make my own make up collection. I always use my mom's make up but I have to have my own stuffs next year. That would be cool.
  • I want my band [El-Elohim] to record our new song on a proper recording place. Getting our own album and yay!
  • Spend more time studying. Or reading. And spend my time at home.
  • Buy an agenda, and write things down about what should I do. I hope everyting will be more organized when I do so.
  • Study more English.
  • And [the second hardest] saving for an iPhone. Rp5.000 - Rp10.000 a day. So I can buy my own iPhone and I don't have to bother my parents to buy me one. This is hard, since my daily money for school is just about Rp15.000 a day
Maybe that's it. That's all for my 2013 Resolutions. It's not much, yet hard. 
Thanks for reading! Check out my YOUTUBE channel to watch me talking, haha :)
Love you guys! GOD BLESS x


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