About El-Elohim

Hello everyone! (^^)/

It has been like FOREVER since I updated my last post. Oh my god, it is like, I only post things on New Years when I actually not.

Q: How's everything going?

Everything has gone well. Pretty well at least. I graduated my second year so this is my third year on my high school and there's nothing so special about it.


I graduated from my Church's SIDI and I was so grateful. I've studied for this for about a year and finally I GRADUATED WAHAHAAAA

I'm the middle one. The one on the left is my friend Pitta, and the right one is Gabby.
Don't I look beautiful? ;D 

Here's some of my friends again. My best friends actually.

[From left to right: Astrid, me, Koresy, and Gabby.]

Month by month has passed by and we (Astrid, me, Koresy, and Gabby) formed a new church band called El-Elohim. We didn't came up with the name, our pastor gave us the name.

I remember the first song we sang and it was Indonesian church song, 'Kaulah Harapan'. Astrid was the pianist and the rest of us were the singer.

Since then, someone from church who actually knows Astrid (a lot) told us to join the Church music so we did.

We sang for about once every other month starting from around March. Month by month passed by, and believe it or not, El-Elohim added more members.

We're now 7! :)

We're all GIRLS believe it or not.
[From left to right: Me(^^v), Koresy, Nadia, Sara, Astrid, Novita, and Gabby.)

And please let me tell you what do we do on the band :)
Me, Koresy, and Gabby as the Singers.
Nadia as the Guitarist.
Sara as the Bassist.
Novita as the Drummer.
Astrid as the Violinist, Guitarist, Pianist, anything she wants actually.

Although we're not really a professional, but at least we love what we do. We love to sing and of course, laugh together.

A bad habit, and a fun fact about us: We always laugh while practicing. Isn't it fabulous?

Especially me. I always laugh during singing. Not always but, most of the recording on my phone that we did, always at least contains a second or two of me laughing or giggling.

Well that's kind of normal, I like to laugh. A lot. About anything.

We created our own song called 'This I Pray'. We're going to record the song on a proper recording place next year, and I hope a lot of people will like it.

Here's the cover:

So that's it for this time's entry! :) I hope you like it!

God Bless you all! x


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