
Menampilkan postingan dari 2012

Happy New Year: 2013 Resolutions

Good afternoon from Indonesia! Happy new year for all my reader(s), although I don't have one actually. But if you're reading this, I love you honestly. Today, I want to post something titled '2013 Resolutions'. These are all the things that I want to achieve, and I hope I can. LET'S START! ;) [The hardest one] I want to be a student in one of the best Universities in Indonesia :) whether it's UI, UGM, Undip, or something like that. That would be cool and amazing ;D I want to be skinnier. It's silly but you won't believe at how fat I actually am. This is embarrassing. I want to make my own make up collection. I always use my mom's make up but I have to have my own stuffs next year. That would be cool. I want my band [El-Elohim] to record our new song on a proper recording place. Getting our own album and yay! Spend more time studying. Or reading. And spend my time at home. Buy an agenda, and write things down about what should I do. I ...

Surviving High School [Indonesian Version]

SELAMAT MALAM ANAK ANAK B) Sekarang gue pengen ngasih tau gimana gue menyelamatkan diri gue di SMA. SMA, adalah saat saat dimana fisik dan mental lo dilatih. Dan itu menurut gue sulit. Let's start. 1. Pasang muka melas. Ini emang aneh. Terutama kalo ada kakak kakak kelas eksis dan mengerikan selalu menghantui pikiran lo. Lo semua lebih baik diem didepan dia, dan menjadi diri lo sendiri. Ini emang membosankan dan ga semua orang itu sama. Mungkin lo punya temen yang gampang banget deket sama kakak kelas dan lo pengen banget jadi kayak dia. Tapi lo harus tau dulu, apa lo mampu jadi orang yang gampang deketin orang? Daripada dibilang sok deket, terus cari masalah, mending cari temen sepantaran aja. 2. Kerjain semua tugas. Serius, kerjain semua tugas yang guru lo kasih. Mau itu nyontek kek, atau nyari di internet. Guru itu taunya nilai doang. Dan itu ngeselin. Sekarang kan nilai tugas sama ulangan itu sama. Kalo lo ga ngerjain tugas, itu berarti lo sama aja nggak ikut ulangan....

About El-Elohim

Hello everyone! (^^)/ It has been like FOREVER since I updated my last post. Oh my god, it is like, I only post things on New Years when I actually not. Q: How's everything going? Everything has gone well. Pretty well at least. I graduated my second year so this is my third year on my high school and there's nothing so special about it. I WAS IN THE TOP TEN WHOOP. I graduated from my Church's SIDI and I was so grateful. I've studied for this for about a year and finally I GRADUATED WAHAHAAAA I'm the middle one . The one on the left is my friend Pitta , and the right one is Gabby . Don't I look beautiful? ;D  Here's some of my friends again. My best friends actually. [From left to right: Astrid, me, Koresy, and Gabby.] Month by month has passed by and we (Astrid, me, Koresy, and Gabby) formed a new church band called El-Elohim. We didn't came up with the name, our pastor gave us the name. I rememb...

New Year, New Post, Chipwrecked!

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012 GUYS! its been FOREVER I KNOW since my last post hahaha (sorry guys) so, what's your new year resolutions? ;) I hope you all can do all your new year resolutions perfectly! I spent my new year holiday at my grandpa's house. I went there 4 days before christmas, so it was around.. 21st? yeah so. the thing is I was happy, very happy but the second thing is that I forgot that Chipwrecked ( Alvin and the Chipmunks 3 ) was OUT! I. FORGOT. When I arrived at Jakarta, on January 3rd, I saw my friend's blackberry messenger status saying 'alvin and the chipmunks 3 rocks!' and I freaked out....................... okay so, for the past 5 years, I've been loving this film so much. from Alvin and the Chipmunks, Squeakquel, until their last film, the Chipwrecked. I saw this movie on 2007 (I was around 11 years old) and I fell in love with them. I love Simon Seville. the one with the hoodie, and rounded black glasses. (from left to right) Eleanor Miller Jean...