
Minggu Kedua November: My Current Cure

안녕 ! That is the Korean for 'hello', by the way. Annyeong . Today, we talk about my current cure for my latest post, depression. Yes, I think I am depressed. Feeling anxious every time I am awake? Heck, that's definitely one of the signs of depression. But, worry no more, for I now know what to do every time the urge to disappear from the face of the earth occurs inside! Introducing, K-Pop! My lovely friend name 'K-Pop' here is super calming. Fairly charming, too, I might add. He dresses up all the time, it freshens my sightings. His voice is calming, it tingles my hearings. His dance is powerful, it brings energy. Many people think that 'K-Pop' isn't a good of a friend. He dresses up, so he's gay. He sings, so he's noisy. He dances, so he's messy. Huh. All and all, he sounds just fine for me, and I might be having a meet-up with him sometimes next year. And also cats. I like cats.

Minggu Pertama November 2017: Am I Depressed?

While patting myself on my own back for my effort regaining memories about this account, I found these paragraphs I wrote sometime last year about being depressed, because of my thesis. I got to say, I did love writing. Why did I ever stop? So here the memory goes: Sometimes, I think, it is okay to feel bad about yourself. Setelah beberapa kali menghancurkan suasana, kepercayaan, dan mood  orang, I think then, and only then, you can call yourself a mess. A massacre. Somewhat days ago, gue pindah ke tempat baru. Lebih nyaman. Lebih memadai. Gue bersyukur, selama beberapa hari. I feel like a new person, having a new life. Waking up earlier, feeling great about myself while the sun rays shine through my window. And my skin just absorbs it. It felt great. It felt amazing. Also this grey cable attached to my laptop brings the world's number one primary needs right now, internet. That "good" feeling only lasted a few days since my moving. Here I am now. Feelin...

Astaga: Oh My God!

Astaga! Can you believe it? I let go my personal blog for the past uncountable months because of doing shits! First of all, Happy Christmas for you who celebrates it! It has been a normal Christmas to me, with my family home. But the minor thing is that we have to repair our entire second floor of our house because it freaked my mom out when she found out that our ceramic floor is entirely broken! Theeeen, comes the time when my father decided to repaint all the second floor with a soft and settle cream color. It's good tho', except for my sister's room which just repainted all green. And I don't really like the color green. But it doesn't matter, my sister would kill for anything green, you know? Second, I can't believe that 2015 is just about here. Few more days to go! I can't contain my excitement, and fear, because you know it frightens me out when I realize that time passes by so quickly and I am going to get older. So yeah, let's do a review of the...

Minggu Ketiga Mei: Mantan Pacar dan Pacar Barunya dan Semester Dua

Pertama-tama, maaf karena gue udah lama nggak nge- post . Gue tiba-tiba kehilangan mood untuk nge- post apapun selama beberapa bulan , I would say. Tapi, yang bikin gue tiba-tiba mood nge- post adalah pertanyaan temen gue yang kebetulan adalah salah satu pembaca blog gue ( dan gue senang ), "Ket, kok lo nggak nge-post blog lagi sih?" Pertanyaan itu membuat gue sadar bahwa gue masih punya blog dan kegiatan untuk dilakukan . Pada saat yang bersamaan, ide-ide jenius untuk blog gue mulai rapidly masuk ke dalam otak gue. Oke, first topic . Ini request dari temen gue yang baru saja gue bahas (namanya Briegitta , tapi gue manggil dia Mori karena...- beberapa hal.) Mori , awalnya, nggak langsung bertanya solusi masalahnya, tapi dia curhat dulu . "Gue punya mantan, terus gue sedih kalo ngeliat dia jalan sama cewek lain. Gue harus apa, Ket?" Kira-kira begitulah masalahnya. Siapa disini yang juga mempunyai masalah seperti itu? Well, kita semua pa...

One is Afraid: A Poem

The rope is getting tighter, One supposes they figure each other out of nowhere, They should be visible, They weren’t. They should be popular, They weren’t. Rebuilding all the curiosity of One’s, Or maybe not? Other ones might have the same set of mind, But they were afraid, Should I use the present tense to picture, Or to frame, They are afraid. One is afraid. Asking, Asked, Asking, Asking to Ask, Ignored. - Noviyanti Katerina, Ignored

Minggu Ketiga Maret: Si Girly dan Si Ganteng

Selama hampir sebulan vakum-ish dari blogger(dot)com, akhirnya gue balik. Alasannya sederhana. Modem habis, laptop semakin lemot, dan kesibukan Jatinangor yang semakin memadatkan hari gue. Sebenarnya gue cuman menunggu sampai waktu yang tepat untuk meng-update. I haven't feel like updating for almost a month and that makes me feel awful, so I am sorry. But, YAY now for me. I got a new laptop already. Not trying to brag or anything, but this is a celebration after almost four years playing with the same phone all over again. Laptop Lenovo gue yang super pink dan girly itu sepertinya sudah beranjak tua. (Fun fact: Temen gue ada yang namanya 'Girli' dan, surprisingly, dia itu cowok.) Lenovo Ideapad S10-3S (Si Girly) Imut bukan? Cerita tentang pembelian laptop ini sebenarnya sedikit memalukan. Laptop pertama keluarga gue adalah laptop HP yang kami dapatkan secara cuma-cuma dari Telkomsel Poin pada tahun 2007ish. Saat itu, laptop masih sangat langka dan mendapatkan seb...

Minggu Ketiga Februari: A Day in Keket's Life Tag!

Hi guys! This is a special (not) post for today because I am not going to be talking about the usual galau, Trio Kwek-Kwek, and move on things but guess what? I am going to talk about the boring a day in Keket's life! Sebenernya tag ini adalah tag yang biasa beauty guru lakukan di YouTube (website para broadcasters), dan tag ini sebenarnya adalah tag yang cukup populer. Menurut gue, tag ini juga merupakan tag yang dilakukan beauty gurus yang professional atau cuma ecek-ecek. And here it is, a day in my life! (Liburan version) Biasanya, gue bangun jam sepuluh atau kalo gue lagi dalam tingkat ke-ngantuk-an dan ke-mager-an yang amat mendalam, gue bisa bangun jam satu siang. Setelah itu biasanya gue ngulet, checking my phone casually, dan hanya bermalas-malasan. Atau, jika gue hebat sekali, gue bisa tidur lagi setelah itu. Tapi gue pengen ceritain versi yang tidak hebatnya. (Wait, what?) Pada pukul lima sore, biasanya gue turun ke lantai bawah untuk makan. Gue makan apapun yang...